AISA Elementary students attend specialist classes weekly. Arts, technology, and physical education complement the core subjects of English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Arabic.
Why value the arts? At AISA, students gather from all over the world to experience many kinds of art from all over the world. They learn to respond to and create diverse forms of art - plastic arts, music, dance, drama - as a way of discovering their place in the world and understanding the common bonds of humanity.
Physical Education
AISA's P.E. program centers around learning the skills necessary to live a healthy, active life. The focus is on learning to play games and sports that will become lifetime hobbies and growing into the behaviors of good sportsmanship. Students are encouraged to compete against themselves to strive continually for a personal best.
AISA aligns to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards, widely recognized and adopted worldwide, for learning, teaching and leading in the digital age. They encourage the 4 C's of 21st Century learning -critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication - though the use of the tools of technology.